Bourbon First United Methodist Church is part of a small rural community in Missouri.
The church was first organized in 1878 and housed in several locations prior to the building of its present home in 1978. It is a mature, hardworking congregation known for its perseverance, service and generous benevolence in the community and beyond. Membership serves locally in ways such as the local food pantry, local backpacking ministries and others.
- Worship is Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary and on our Facebook page live.
- Prayer ministry meets on Wednesday mornings at 9 am in Room one.
- Bible Study is meeting in person and online with Zoom, email us for the link.
- United Methodist Men meet the second Tuesday of the month at 9am in the Fellowship Hall
- United Methodist Woman meet the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall
- Choir